In Need of Homes
Bugsy is 1 yr old, UTD vaccinations, neutered. He was in the pound for several weeks with a broken leg. He has had surgery to repair it and now he's a happy and active dog. He is currently residing at Holistic Pet Services where he is helping the owner work with troubled dogs. He is very balanced. Loves to be a clown.
This is Montgomery (Monty for short)! He was abandoned in an apartment and then was in the pound for 2 weeks. It is not working out at the new home with the owners' dog but they will keep him until a better fit is found. Monty is young (maybe 1.5 years). He is a sweet dog. He is presently fostering with 3 other dogs and a cat and he gets along great. He would do well in a home with another dog as he yearns to be close to another dog.
Bugsy is 1 yr old, UTD vaccinations, neutered. He was in the pound for several weeks with a broken leg. He has had surgery to repair it and now he's a happy and active dog. He is currently residing at Holistic Pet Services where he is helping the owner work with troubled dogs. He is very balanced. Loves to be a clown.
Ricky is an adult chi around 7 years old. Neutered, UTD on shots. Although he came with Lucy CT Animal House believes they can be adopted out separately. He can be a little snarly until he gets to know you which can be quickly. Ricky has a kneecap that pops out and may eventually need surgery.
Rocko was in the pound for a year. He was pulled 6 months ago and wnet to stay at Holistic Pet Services where he learned to be a dog again along with multiple other dogs there as well. He is now 18 months old, neutered, housebroken, utd on vaccinations. Good with people and some dogs. No cats (as far as we know). Needs a strong (physically and alpha) owner who will continue to educate him.